miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013
TU SALUD: La cúrcuma y sus poderes de curacion
TU SALUD: La cúrcuma y sus poderes de curacion: La mayoría de las especias tienen poderosas propiedades medicinales, que es precisamente la razón por la que han sido utilizadas para...
jueves, 25 de julio de 2013
Tutorial para fabricar un tipi
El tipi en la actualidad es fabricado en lona de algodón, aunque lo cierto es que cualquier material nos puede servir para fabricar nuestro tipi, pero si queremos hacer fuego dentro deberemos administrar un tratamiento ignífugo.
El tipi en la actualidad es fabricado en lona de algodón, aunque lo cierto es que cualquier material nos puede servir para fabricar nuestro tipi, pero si queremos hacer fuego dentro deberemos administrar un tratamiento ignífugo.
¿Qué tipo de estrés empeora la memoria?
Todo el mundo habla de lo perjudicial que es el estrés para la salud. Te pones enfermo con más facilidad y encima la cabeza ‘te funciona peor’… pero, ¿sabemos realmente qué efectos tiene el estrés sobre el cerebro? ¿y qué tipo de estrés es el más perjudicial?
Recientemente se han publicado dos revisiones muy interesantes sobre el tema. Thomas Frodl y Veronica O’Keane cuentan en Neurobiology of Disease (2013) que un cerebro expuesto de forma excesiva y continua al estrés sufre daños en su estructura y su funcionamiento, y que estos daños son mediados, entre otras cosas, por los efectos tóxicos del cortisol. Es lo que se conoce como la Hipótesis de la cascada de glucocorticoides descrita por Robert Sapolsky en 1986. Según esta hipótesis, el estrés crónico puede producir cambios cerebrales que hacen que el eje que controla la respuesta al estrés (eje Hipotálamo-Hipófiso-Adrenal -HHA) se descontrole. La estructura cerebral conocida como hipocampo es muy sensible a los glucocorticoides, ya que posee muchos receptores para ellos. Los glucocorticoides, como el cortisol, permiten movilizar los recursos energéticos para hacer frente a las situaciones estresantes. Sin embargo, cuando el hipocampo es sobreexpuesto a ellos se atrofia. El hipocampo participa de forma importante en el aprendizaje y la memoria, con lo que el estrés crónico haría que estas funciones se alterasen. Pero además, el hipocampo tiene una función reguladora del HHA, proporcionándole un feedback inhibitorio (para que deje de segregar glucocorticoides). Paradójicamente, un hipocampo que ha sido expuesto en exceso a glucocorticoides tendrá más dificultades para enviar esa información de vuelta, con lo que habrá más cantidad de esta sustancia y por tanto mayor daño hipocámpico.
El síndrome de Cushing es una enfermedad caracterizada por un exceso de cortisol, la hormona del estrés, y sirve como modelo ideal para analizar las consecuencias cerebrales de una hipercortisolemia crónica. Se ha descrito que estos pacientes presentan depresión en más de la mitad de los casos, atrofia cortical prematura y alteraciones cognitivas, fundamentalmente de memoria y aprendizaje
Todo el mundo habla de lo perjudicial que es el estrés para la salud. Te pones enfermo con más facilidad y encima la cabeza ‘te funciona peor’… pero, ¿sabemos realmente qué efectos tiene el estrés sobre el cerebro? ¿y qué tipo de estrés es el más perjudicial?
Recientemente se han publicado dos revisiones muy interesantes sobre el tema. Thomas Frodl y Veronica O’Keane cuentan en Neurobiology of Disease (2013) que un cerebro expuesto de forma excesiva y continua al estrés sufre daños en su estructura y su funcionamiento, y que estos daños son mediados, entre otras cosas, por los efectos tóxicos del cortisol. Es lo que se conoce como la Hipótesis de la cascada de glucocorticoides descrita por Robert Sapolsky en 1986. Según esta hipótesis, el estrés crónico puede producir cambios cerebrales que hacen que el eje que controla la respuesta al estrés (eje Hipotálamo-Hipófiso-Adrenal -HHA) se descontrole. La estructura cerebral conocida como hipocampo es muy sensible a los glucocorticoides, ya que posee muchos receptores para ellos. Los glucocorticoides, como el cortisol, permiten movilizar los recursos energéticos para hacer frente a las situaciones estresantes. Sin embargo, cuando el hipocampo es sobreexpuesto a ellos se atrofia. El hipocampo participa de forma importante en el aprendizaje y la memoria, con lo que el estrés crónico haría que estas funciones se alterasen. Pero además, el hipocampo tiene una función reguladora del HHA, proporcionándole un feedback inhibitorio (para que deje de segregar glucocorticoides). Paradójicamente, un hipocampo que ha sido expuesto en exceso a glucocorticoides tendrá más dificultades para enviar esa información de vuelta, con lo que habrá más cantidad de esta sustancia y por tanto mayor daño hipocámpico.
El síndrome de Cushing es una enfermedad caracterizada por un exceso de cortisol, la hormona del estrés, y sirve como modelo ideal para analizar las consecuencias cerebrales de una hipercortisolemia crónica. Se ha descrito que estos pacientes presentan depresión en más de la mitad de los casos, atrofia cortical prematura y alteraciones cognitivas, fundamentalmente de memoria y aprendizaje
domingo, 21 de julio de 2013
miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013
C.G.Jung y la Alquimia:
Entre 1912 y 1919, tras separarse de Freud, Jung fue sujeto -más paciente que activo, al parecer- de una irrupción casi incontrolable de imágenes provenientes de lo que él denominaría Inconsciente Colectivo, que fueron, en sí, la "materia prima" que, en opinión de su secretaria personal, Aniela Jaffe, "hizo posible la producción intelectual a la que se dedicó durante el resto de su vida"(Personalidad y Obra de C.G.Jung, Monte Avila).
Buscando antecedentes históricos a lo que le estaba aconteciendo y a las intuiciones "psicológicas" a las que estaba llegando, Jung se adentró, entre 1918 y 1926, en el aparentemente caótico mundo simbólico del Gnosticismo cristiano. Posteriormente encontraría su base de apoyo histórico en la Alquimia, hasta el punto de que estaba convencido de que su Psicología Analítica enlazaba directamente con la Alquimia y que su método "psicoterapéutico" y revitalizador de símbolos, denominado "Imaginación Activa", era una especie de método mejorado de la "Imaginatio vera et no phantastica" del Opus alquimista.
En 1928 le llegó a sus manos un libro de alquimia china que le sirvió para correlacionar su búsqueda interior con la de los alquimistas. Esta obra se llamaba El Secreto de la Flor de Oro, cuya tradición oral se remontaba al siglo VIII de nuestra era. "Yo devoré prácticamente el manuscrito, pues su contenido vino a corroborar inesperadamente mis ideas sobre el mandala y la circunvalación alrededor de un centro. El contacto con esa obra puso fin a mi aislamiento, pues a través de sus páginas logré conocer a mis precursores ideológicos y relacionarme con ellos", confesaría en sus memorias (Recuerdos, Sueños y Pensamientos, Seix Barral).
A partir de entonces Jung se sumergirá en la Alquimia, llegando a tener una de las colecciones de libros e infolios más importantes del mundo, con más de doscientos títulos. Casi toda esta biblioteca alquimista la tenía ya en su posesión en 1940. Su conocimiento del latín y del griego le facilitaron la lectura y estudio concienzudo de tales textos. "Las experiencias de los alquimistas eran mis propias experiencias y su mundo era, en cierto sentido, mi propio mundo", confesaría.
Entre los autores y libros preferidos de Jung, Aniela Jaffe cita a Gerardus Dorneus (s. SVI): "Los pensamientos de este sabio sobre el trabajo de laboratorio y la meditación, sobre las fases del "opus" y de la "conniunctio", así como también sobre el concepto del "Unus Mundus", proporcionaron a Jung la clave para la comprensión de los anhelos alquimistas" (especialmente le interesaron Physica Trismegisti y Philosophia Meditativa). Paracelso le fascinaba igualmente y a su figura dedicó la monografía Paracélsica (1952), a la par que, en sus memorias confesaría que fue estudiando a Paracelso lo que finalmente le llevó "a intuir la esencia de la Alquimia en su relación con la religión y la psicología, o mejor dicho, la Alquimia en su aspecto de filosofía religiosa".
Si hubiera que hablar de libros habría que reseñar especialmente el Rosarium Philosophorum (1550), de Arnaldo Vilanova, cuyas imágenes y texto le sirvieron para escribir el libro Psicología de la Transferencia (1946). Asimismo hay que citar el Mutus Liber (1677). Jung desvelaría, asimismo, el simbolismo arquetipico de algunos sueños y sus referentes simbólicos alquimistas en Psicología y Alquimia (1944), y al final de su vida volvió a dedicarle las 800 páginas de los dos primeros tomos de Mysterium Coniunctionis (1955-56); el tercer volumen, sobre la Aurora Consurgens lo escribió Marie Louise von Franz, quien le fue de valiosa ayuda durante muchos años por sus conocimientos de filología, y que es autora de una biografía "espiritual" de Jung muy interesante (C.J.Jung. Su mito en nuestro tiempo, Fondo de Cultura Económica), así como del libro Alquimia (Luciérnaga).
Su primera exposición pública sobre los paralelismos encontrados entre su Psicología Analítica y la Alquimia los dió a conocer en dos conferencias pronunciadas en sendos congresos de Eranos, en Ascona (Suiza): "Los símbolos oníricos del Proceso de Individuación" y "Los conceptos alquimísticos en torno a la salvación", que son la base sobre la que gira su ensayo Psicología y Alquimia.
Además de los libros citados, las referencias alquimistas en la obra junguiana se encuentran en casi todas sus obras, destacando especialmente su prólogo en El secreto de la Flor de Oro (1929), en el que incide sobre el Proceso de Individuación y el arquetipo del mandala, y en "Simbología del Espíritu" (1948), en el que se detiene sobre todo en el simbolismo del Mercurio Filosofal (publicado en Fondo de Cultura Económica).
Entre 1912 y 1919, tras separarse de Freud, Jung fue sujeto -más paciente que activo, al parecer- de una irrupción casi incontrolable de imágenes provenientes de lo que él denominaría Inconsciente Colectivo, que fueron, en sí, la "materia prima" que, en opinión de su secretaria personal, Aniela Jaffe, "hizo posible la producción intelectual a la que se dedicó durante el resto de su vida"(Personalidad y Obra de C.G.Jung, Monte Avila).
Buscando antecedentes históricos a lo que le estaba aconteciendo y a las intuiciones "psicológicas" a las que estaba llegando, Jung se adentró, entre 1918 y 1926, en el aparentemente caótico mundo simbólico del Gnosticismo cristiano. Posteriormente encontraría su base de apoyo histórico en la Alquimia, hasta el punto de que estaba convencido de que su Psicología Analítica enlazaba directamente con la Alquimia y que su método "psicoterapéutico" y revitalizador de símbolos, denominado "Imaginación Activa", era una especie de método mejorado de la "Imaginatio vera et no phantastica" del Opus alquimista.
En 1928 le llegó a sus manos un libro de alquimia china que le sirvió para correlacionar su búsqueda interior con la de los alquimistas. Esta obra se llamaba El Secreto de la Flor de Oro, cuya tradición oral se remontaba al siglo VIII de nuestra era. "Yo devoré prácticamente el manuscrito, pues su contenido vino a corroborar inesperadamente mis ideas sobre el mandala y la circunvalación alrededor de un centro. El contacto con esa obra puso fin a mi aislamiento, pues a través de sus páginas logré conocer a mis precursores ideológicos y relacionarme con ellos", confesaría en sus memorias (Recuerdos, Sueños y Pensamientos, Seix Barral).
A partir de entonces Jung se sumergirá en la Alquimia, llegando a tener una de las colecciones de libros e infolios más importantes del mundo, con más de doscientos títulos. Casi toda esta biblioteca alquimista la tenía ya en su posesión en 1940. Su conocimiento del latín y del griego le facilitaron la lectura y estudio concienzudo de tales textos. "Las experiencias de los alquimistas eran mis propias experiencias y su mundo era, en cierto sentido, mi propio mundo", confesaría.
Entre los autores y libros preferidos de Jung, Aniela Jaffe cita a Gerardus Dorneus (s. SVI): "Los pensamientos de este sabio sobre el trabajo de laboratorio y la meditación, sobre las fases del "opus" y de la "conniunctio", así como también sobre el concepto del "Unus Mundus", proporcionaron a Jung la clave para la comprensión de los anhelos alquimistas" (especialmente le interesaron Physica Trismegisti y Philosophia Meditativa). Paracelso le fascinaba igualmente y a su figura dedicó la monografía Paracélsica (1952), a la par que, en sus memorias confesaría que fue estudiando a Paracelso lo que finalmente le llevó "a intuir la esencia de la Alquimia en su relación con la religión y la psicología, o mejor dicho, la Alquimia en su aspecto de filosofía religiosa".
Si hubiera que hablar de libros habría que reseñar especialmente el Rosarium Philosophorum (1550), de Arnaldo Vilanova, cuyas imágenes y texto le sirvieron para escribir el libro Psicología de la Transferencia (1946). Asimismo hay que citar el Mutus Liber (1677). Jung desvelaría, asimismo, el simbolismo arquetipico de algunos sueños y sus referentes simbólicos alquimistas en Psicología y Alquimia (1944), y al final de su vida volvió a dedicarle las 800 páginas de los dos primeros tomos de Mysterium Coniunctionis (1955-56); el tercer volumen, sobre la Aurora Consurgens lo escribió Marie Louise von Franz, quien le fue de valiosa ayuda durante muchos años por sus conocimientos de filología, y que es autora de una biografía "espiritual" de Jung muy interesante (C.J.Jung. Su mito en nuestro tiempo, Fondo de Cultura Económica), así como del libro Alquimia (Luciérnaga).
Su primera exposición pública sobre los paralelismos encontrados entre su Psicología Analítica y la Alquimia los dió a conocer en dos conferencias pronunciadas en sendos congresos de Eranos, en Ascona (Suiza): "Los símbolos oníricos del Proceso de Individuación" y "Los conceptos alquimísticos en torno a la salvación", que son la base sobre la que gira su ensayo Psicología y Alquimia.
Además de los libros citados, las referencias alquimistas en la obra junguiana se encuentran en casi todas sus obras, destacando especialmente su prólogo en El secreto de la Flor de Oro (1929), en el que incide sobre el Proceso de Individuación y el arquetipo del mandala, y en "Simbología del Espíritu" (1948), en el que se detiene sobre todo en el simbolismo del Mercurio Filosofal (publicado en Fondo de Cultura Económica).
martes, 16 de julio de 2013
I was browsing On the Net and I fall Into this, it is about Telepathy and it explain all kinds of way to use it , Iam a natural telepath I have never had any "lesson" it is just natural so As I was reading it I realised that it can be use in a very negative way too, off course we are aware of some of the tools the ones in power have, still I was quite chock to read some of the descriptions one of the site was exposing .. on the second part of this long thread Iam sharing some of It , i have chosen not to share the source only because my page is open to the public and it could be misunderstood,some exercices could be used against Oneness, ( for facebook is facebook ) still it is interesting as I have come across some people in my life that felt like they had some "power" over me, iam sure that a few knew what they were doing , some was just natural manipulator so Knowing this now I can Shield my self better ... off course I left some "example " of what could be done and the most positive notes about an ability that all of us have and can use for the good of all ... Ju'light
Telepathy or E.S.P ( Extra-Sensory-perception )
Recent BCI toys like those developed by NeuroSky have brought real life telepathy to the general public. The MindFlex made by Mattel in collaboration with NeuroSky was even ranked in Time Magazines top 100 toys of all time. In this game the player floats a ball by concentrating on it; anelectroencephalogram is used to judge the persons level of concentration through direct measurement of the electrical activity in their brain, this headset then communicates with a platform controlling the speed of a fan and thus the ball.
In 2011 a Guinness Book of World Records category was created for BCI based telepathy. The NeuroSky MindWave was awarded it for the, “Heaviest machine moved using a brain control interface”.
Futurists think that brain-computer interfaces may make telepathy possible. There has already been progress in connecting brains with machines, and a man-machine-man bridge is considered very possible. And if man-machine-man bridges can be made, then such a link can be achieved over great distances using Internet.
Technologically enabled telepathy is also called “techlepathy,” “synthetic telepathy,” or “psychotronics.”
Some people, occasionally referred to by themselves or others as “transhumanists”, believe that technologically enabled telepathy is a technology that humans should pursue in order to improve themselves.
Our Mind is generally electric signals each state are on different frequency of vibrations, There has been studies in brave waves frequency and it is found that there are various frequencies of even disease and sickness, These states are achieved through conscious and subconscious brain. (you can see more here)
Most people don’t really understand the term ‘mental telepathy’. Mental telepathy simply refers to a kind of communication where the people can communicate their innermost thoughts without the help of their five senses. Although you may have a world of disparity between an uncanny, unnerving feeling that you are being watched by someone unseen or trying to get information from some unsuspecting individual’s mind.
Telepathy is that small inner voice within all of us. It is a form of energy that is a natural connection to our survival as well as our communication instincts.
Telepathy is also a process of stimulation in the mind. Telepathy cannot be seen. It is only felt. When humans are babies, telepathy is used daily until the ability to use speech is learned.
Often once we learn to speak the ability of telepathy fades from our memory.
Telepathy is still alive in all human beings. It does not die when we learn to speak it only fades deep within our conscious. We can develop telepathy skills again. Picking up on someone’s energy is the key to telepathy.
Animals use telepathy by simply connecting with energy patterns. Humans do the same. It is similar to the way electricity is brought into your home. When you think about something on a specific intensity level it sends out energy frequencies in a particular pattern. The energy sent out begins searching for the focused destination or match. Every living being has its own energy vibration or frequency.
Although telepathy sounds strange it is really the basic form of communication for all animals and people. Every thought becomes energy which can be sent out to a specific person through telepathy. Developing telepathy consists of certain steps which can be done to increase your telepathic skills.
One of the most important steps to develop telepathy is to believe in the concept. Your hidden telepathy ability will stay hidden until you believe it exists. When practicing telepathy it is important to have the person you are connecting with thinking something emotional or interesting. It sends out stronger energy frequencies than other subjects.
Learning Telepathy means referring to or waking the telepathic abilities that actually exists in dormancy in each of us. Any attempt by that body power in a part of your life provokes the force to manifest itself by having a shadow of the impending event.
One can learn Telepathy provided that he/she wants to work hard with perseverance and dedication. Instructive work requires compliance with certain mental and physical discipline, in addition to making regular meditation.
Dream telepathy
Telepathy can come in more than one state.
.In dream telepathy thoughts, emotions, and even physical sensations are transferred from one person’s mind to another while sleep.
Telepathic dreams consist of the dreamer receiving messages from someone else in another individual’s dream or by their telepathic thoughts.
Many cases of telepathic dreams involve ghosts, spirits of dead loved ones, or recently dead spirits using dream telepathy to speak.
Dream telepathy experiments have been done since the 1800s to learn more about dream telepathy and what it means. Dream telepathy experiments involve the monitoring of the subject’s brain waves and eye movements while sleeping.
They are usually awakened to describe their dream after the brain waves frequencies have been recorded.
Telepathic senders are placed into a separate room to send the subjects various pictures and messages.
A majority of the findings show that the dreams often contain the specific images the sender sent through the other room. There is a lot of different views on dream telepathy but it does exist.
Many people claim they’ve been warned or sent a special message through dream telepathy.
Dream telepathy can be a very rewarding for individuals who gained a better aspect through receiving the message or comfort through a image. A loved one’s message can be the closure that individual needed.
A friend or relative in another state sending a message through dream telepathy can save a person’s life depending on the situation.
Twins have been known to have not only a strong ability of telepathy beyond childhood but dream telepathy as well. Thoughts are extremely powerful and make up the world we live in. Our lives are simply the thoughts we have and the thoughts of others around us. Telepathy is the way we communicate with the world and others without saying a single word.
Intuition- One of the Keys to your Telepathic Powers
Do you trust your intuition? I mean really trust it as in listen to it and follow what you feel from it? Be honest with yourself.
If you don’t follow and trust your intuition, you are not alone. The vast majority of us don’t do so. We are aware that we have a “feeling” about a situation, decision, person, place, etc but can’t quite put our finger on what the feeling is saying to us. So, what do we do? We ignore the “feeling.” That “feeling” is our intuition trying to communicate to us what we need to be doing.
It’s really a shame that so many of us are so skeptical and don’t trust it. It’s our best defense and guide after all. Yet, it is a very difficult task to un program ourselves from scripts we have been born into. We’ve been taught to look outward for answers and guidance when all the while, the answers have always lied inside ourselves.
Intuition is the communication of these answers from sub conscious mind.
Intuition is also one of the major elements to tapping into you telepathic powers. What do I mean by this?
What I mean is that once you begin to trust in yourself and to be guided by your own intuition, you will at the same time open yourself up to your telepathic powers. This is of course easier to read (or write) than to do.
Simple Exercises for telepathy.
Telepathy is much about concentration, when we concentrate we connect with the energy of it, and thus thru this connection we are able to send and receive information in the form of videos, Stills, colors, emotions and state.
Exercise no 1 (developing brain waves and getting aware of it)
Think about an image, close your eyes and picture it exactly how you want to send, then blank your mind.
Think about the person you want to send it to and take out the image of that person from your mind, in the form it is.
Blank your mind, think about both and “send message” like “Read” “See” “Hear” whispering to there subconscious mind.
Exercise no 2 (Step 2)
The first step to telepathy is be present. Being present is the hardest and most important key to telepathy. You should not think of anything else. Your mind should be completely in the now or the present. This opens up the channels to connect energy frequencies.
The second step to this exercise which enables you to properly learn telepathy is to sit down with the person you want to connect with. Lay several different colored pencils between the two of you.
The third step of this exercise is to decide who will be the sender and who will be the receiver.
Once that is decided than you can go on to the fourth step. This step involves the person who is the sender to select a color from among the colored pencils in their mind. Then the sender should try to send the color they selected to the other person. It is important for the person who is the sender to say the word start out loud once they’ve concentrated on sending the color to the other person.
The fifth step of the exercise is to have the person who is the receiver to look into the mind of the other person. They should be able to pick up on the correct color.
During the sixth step of the exercise the sender should tell whether or not the receiver has saw the correct color. If the person was incorrect than the sender should try again and say the word start again.
The seventh step of the exercise is the sender sending the original color again or starting the exercise again with a new color in mind.
The eight step of the exercise is to switch sides and repeat the exercise over again non-stop for the next ten minutes.
After ten minutes you should take a break or end practice for the day. It is important not to drain energy when learning telepathy.
source http://unmistaken1.wordpress.com/2011/09/28/how-can-we-use-telepathy/
----------------------------- SECOND PART ----------------------------------
"Telepathy is the ability to psychically communicate information from one mind to another by means other than the known perceptual senses. This can range from the traditional reading of minds to the implanting of thoughts into the minds of others and eventually extending one's radius of mind-reading. This could also let the user induce addiction, or project thought-wave "static" into the minds of those who try to invade your mind. They could even possibly exercise Psychic Persuasion or a Danger Sense after further practice. Similar to Empaths, due to the fact that Empathy is closely related and mimic abilities ranging from the basis of original ability, i.e. danger sense, illusions, control of the mind (through emotions), etc.
Before you are able to do this, you must first know how the mind works. When you hear a word, your brain translates it into two things. Say you hear the word "apple"; you either think and see the word apple, or for some people see the apple. So when reading a person you will need to learn to both think the words and picture it to make it easier, or your will struggle reading minds. Though there are some who naturally have this talent right off the bat. E.G: You meet someone and you're having a honest polite conversation, then they start finishing your sentence, or thinking the exact same thing except out loud, first level mind reader tricks, duh. Everyone has this ability, all you need to do is practice it to make it stronger and more powerful.
Training on telepathy
The first thing when starting is to be calm and relaxed but not too relaxed. Meditation is not necessary with many of the telepathy skills I teach.
When first doing telepathy you want to focus all you can on what you’re doing; so it’s best to sit or lie down and then close your eyes. After a while this will not be necessary. Visualize a tunnel or a vortex. It can be any color and just about any shape. You then should visualize a wave going from you and through the vortex. Think of the person you are telepathically connecting with. Keep all the things from point two in mind and don’t forget them and keep visualizing and thinking about them. Then when you feel ready let go and you should be in their mind.
Remember this skill takes a lot more practice and work than others. I use this tech (technique) a lot and for many of my other techs in this like mini group of them.
First you must have mastered the connection art above.
So, once you've successively completed the above visualization exercise made,
Focus and concentrate more now on your target mind and don’t forget to keep thinking of the person as you will need this.
Focus on relaxing and clearing all thoughts from your mind too and no suggestions.
Listen to the persons mind and keep your thoughts clear out, you don’t want to get confused.
If you still can’t hear anything relax leave it for a bit and try again.
You can also read thoughts by searching. You think of what you need to find and keep that in mind. What you want should appear slowly.
Make sure you have no suggesting thoughts.
Believe wholeheartedly that you are telepathic and that you can develop your skills. Doubt has no place in any situation where you are trying to succeed at a task. This is especially true with telepathy, since skeptics are hardly ever able to uncover their talents in this area.
Ask a friend or relative who is not a skeptic to help you by focusing on a picture or object. You'll then try to focus on her thoughts and try to pick up whatever it is she is seeing. It's best if whatever she is looking at is able to evoke a powerful emotion, whether it be strong admiration, excitement, anger or any other strong feeling. This creates stronger waves of energy so you'll be able to pick up on it easier.
Relax your mind and try not to think too hard about picking up on what the other person is thinking or feeling. Concentration is actually counterproductive, since your mind must be open to receive whatever signals are being emitted.
Remove all distractions from your area of meditation. This includes clocks, watches, telephones, televisions and radios. All of these items can potentially break your concentration and seriously impede your ability to develop and use telepathy.
Record whatever image or concept of communication you may receive. It may help to have a journal nearby where you can sketch images or write down words that have popped into your head.
Analyze any emotion or abstract image you may receive. They may not make perfect sense to you at first, but as you become more familiar with your own abilities, you'll be able to interpret and understand your visions much quicker and easier.
Mind Reading and Force
Many people over the course of the centuries have pondered over how to gain power and abilities over other men or how to defeat armies with out raising a finger through realization man begin to realize we are gods with out proper knowledge on how to use our power, this power lies dormant waiting for you to unleash it through proper training and dedication. you will begin to notice a change in your very being that will slowly grow as you begin to dedicate daily training and learn the way energy speaks to you. Through daily practice you will build the will power and advance beyond your wildest dreams.
The way I learned mind reading/ Force thought is to use proper breathing,imagination,and lots of will power.
Follow the rhythm of your heart when breathing learn to tune in to your breathing cycle follow each beat as if they were loud as bells understand your pulse fill how your breath keeps you alive you must accept that your breath is a gift from god in order to understand your part in the universe you must accept that there is no separation between you and it. Then move on
Begin breathing in 1,2,3,4 hold your breath then release 1,2,3,4 repeat this cycle until you feel very relax the goal is to learn to control your breathing and understand the mind after breathing cycles continue on.
This part takes time to build start by using your imagination place yourself at the park, beach,mall what ever just be creative then picture everything as if you were right there use all 5 senses learn to make this as real as possible take control of your inner world EXAMPLE if you splash your face with cold water in your inner world you should fill the chill on your face in your outer world, do not move on until you master this part.
After much practice let the fun begin, start with friends or family think of a idea or phrase you want them to say enter into your inner world they wont notice what you are doing visualize what you want them to say or do build the event as if it was happening force your will on them if you did the above exercise correctly you will notice they will do as you please or say.
Believe me this works with practice you can make people like you do as say and so many other things once you learn force thought,reading thoughts is rather easy I don't want to go into details just use your imagination and have fun.
Telepathy can be utilized in a number of ways, including, but certainly not limited to, the following:
Telepathic Defense: Telepathy can manifest in a number of defensive ways.
Cloaking: The ability to essentially cloak or shield a telepath or any one or place for that mater using telepathic illusions, psychic shield, etc.
Psionic Shield: The ability to create a psychic shield for protection of oneself and other minds.
Psychic Mimicking: This allows someone to mimic another's energy and other abilities, enabling them to deceive others. This ability is very hard and most people are born with a shield or ward like this.
Telepathic Illusions: The ability to create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring. This can be done as a type of mind control and attack. Difficult for newbies and rather easier for naturals.
Other telepathic abilities
Absorb Information: The ability to quickly process and store information, by mental transference.
Dark Psyche: The ability to release the dark side of a person's personality, and make them more dangerous and easier or harder to control depending on their mind.
Dilate Power: This is also known as blocks for abilities and used in spars or as attacks to stop someone using a ability.
Download Information: The ability to take or give information and memories to the mind of others.
Healing Trauma: The ability to erase a person’s memories to heal mental trauma through “psychic surgery,” the power to stimulate or deaden the pain and pleasure centers in a person's brain. This ability is very dangerous and should not be used ales all of telepathy is mastered and the understanding of the mind. It can cause problems.
Induce Pain: The ability to induce mental pain and suffering and generally not recommended if someone is non-experienced.
Intuitive Multilingual: The ability to intuitively translating new languages and dialects.
Mass Manipulation: The ability to subtly use deep influence upon multiple people, allowing a telepathic to manipulate their perceptions, better judgment, wills and common sense. This is a type of mind control and influence and can be very difficult.
Mental Amnesia: The ability to erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia. This is a very dangerous ability.
Mental Detection: The ability to sense the presence of another psychic within a small but as yet undefined radius of oneself by perceiving the distinctive mental radiations emitted by such a being.
Mental Paralysis: The ability to induce temporary mental or physical paralysis. Very hard and only very few are able to do it.
Mental Sedating: The ability to telepathically "sedate" one's victims so that, if already rendered unconscious, they remain so for as long as a telepath continues to "sedate" them.
Mind Alteration: The ability to alter the minds of others by sheer force of will, changing their personality either partially or entirely. It can be reversed.
Mind Control: The ability to control the thoughts and actions of others.
Mind Link: The ability to develop a mental link with any person, which remains as a connection to that individual long after the link itself is broken. This is the basic ability for all telepathy.
Psionic Blasts: The ability to project psionic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the victim pain or unconsciousness and can even kill an adversary. Not at all a rare ability and can also be found in empaths a like. Utilizes the same psionic energy that is used to shield to infiltrate a mind solely on will and brute force.
Psionic Siphoning: The ability to siphon psychic energy from other psionic mutants. The stolen psychic energy can be used to either boost one's own powers or channel the energy into someone else to temporarily increase their psionic abilities. Also found in empaths but instead of using the mind take the energy at will they use their emotions as a power sources/ energy.
Telepathic Tracking: Enhanced psionic senses enable a telepath to detect and track other sentient beings by their unique psionic emanations (thought patterns contained in the psionic portion of the spectrum), especially if they pose a threat to one's well-being in their immediate vicinity. Mainly found in Telepaths alone as it requires recognition of psionics mentally though some empaths have adopted the ability to be used on emotion basis.
Telepathy or E.S.P ( Extra-Sensory-perception )
Recent BCI toys like those developed by NeuroSky have brought real life telepathy to the general public. The MindFlex made by Mattel in collaboration with NeuroSky was even ranked in Time Magazines top 100 toys of all time. In this game the player floats a ball by concentrating on it; anelectroencephalogram is used to judge the persons level of concentration through direct measurement of the electrical activity in their brain, this headset then communicates with a platform controlling the speed of a fan and thus the ball.
In 2011 a Guinness Book of World Records category was created for BCI based telepathy. The NeuroSky MindWave was awarded it for the, “Heaviest machine moved using a brain control interface”.
Futurists think that brain-computer interfaces may make telepathy possible. There has already been progress in connecting brains with machines, and a man-machine-man bridge is considered very possible. And if man-machine-man bridges can be made, then such a link can be achieved over great distances using Internet.
Technologically enabled telepathy is also called “techlepathy,” “synthetic telepathy,” or “psychotronics.”
Some people, occasionally referred to by themselves or others as “transhumanists”, believe that technologically enabled telepathy is a technology that humans should pursue in order to improve themselves.
Our Mind is generally electric signals each state are on different frequency of vibrations, There has been studies in brave waves frequency and it is found that there are various frequencies of even disease and sickness, These states are achieved through conscious and subconscious brain. (you can see more here)
Most people don’t really understand the term ‘mental telepathy’. Mental telepathy simply refers to a kind of communication where the people can communicate their innermost thoughts without the help of their five senses. Although you may have a world of disparity between an uncanny, unnerving feeling that you are being watched by someone unseen or trying to get information from some unsuspecting individual’s mind.
Telepathy is that small inner voice within all of us. It is a form of energy that is a natural connection to our survival as well as our communication instincts.
Telepathy is also a process of stimulation in the mind. Telepathy cannot be seen. It is only felt. When humans are babies, telepathy is used daily until the ability to use speech is learned.
Often once we learn to speak the ability of telepathy fades from our memory.
Telepathy is still alive in all human beings. It does not die when we learn to speak it only fades deep within our conscious. We can develop telepathy skills again. Picking up on someone’s energy is the key to telepathy.
Animals use telepathy by simply connecting with energy patterns. Humans do the same. It is similar to the way electricity is brought into your home. When you think about something on a specific intensity level it sends out energy frequencies in a particular pattern. The energy sent out begins searching for the focused destination or match. Every living being has its own energy vibration or frequency.
Although telepathy sounds strange it is really the basic form of communication for all animals and people. Every thought becomes energy which can be sent out to a specific person through telepathy. Developing telepathy consists of certain steps which can be done to increase your telepathic skills.
One of the most important steps to develop telepathy is to believe in the concept. Your hidden telepathy ability will stay hidden until you believe it exists. When practicing telepathy it is important to have the person you are connecting with thinking something emotional or interesting. It sends out stronger energy frequencies than other subjects.
Learning Telepathy means referring to or waking the telepathic abilities that actually exists in dormancy in each of us. Any attempt by that body power in a part of your life provokes the force to manifest itself by having a shadow of the impending event.
One can learn Telepathy provided that he/she wants to work hard with perseverance and dedication. Instructive work requires compliance with certain mental and physical discipline, in addition to making regular meditation.
Dream telepathy
Telepathy can come in more than one state.
.In dream telepathy thoughts, emotions, and even physical sensations are transferred from one person’s mind to another while sleep.
Telepathic dreams consist of the dreamer receiving messages from someone else in another individual’s dream or by their telepathic thoughts.
Many cases of telepathic dreams involve ghosts, spirits of dead loved ones, or recently dead spirits using dream telepathy to speak.
Dream telepathy experiments have been done since the 1800s to learn more about dream telepathy and what it means. Dream telepathy experiments involve the monitoring of the subject’s brain waves and eye movements while sleeping.
They are usually awakened to describe their dream after the brain waves frequencies have been recorded.
Telepathic senders are placed into a separate room to send the subjects various pictures and messages.
A majority of the findings show that the dreams often contain the specific images the sender sent through the other room. There is a lot of different views on dream telepathy but it does exist.
Many people claim they’ve been warned or sent a special message through dream telepathy.
Dream telepathy can be a very rewarding for individuals who gained a better aspect through receiving the message or comfort through a image. A loved one’s message can be the closure that individual needed.
A friend or relative in another state sending a message through dream telepathy can save a person’s life depending on the situation.
Twins have been known to have not only a strong ability of telepathy beyond childhood but dream telepathy as well. Thoughts are extremely powerful and make up the world we live in. Our lives are simply the thoughts we have and the thoughts of others around us. Telepathy is the way we communicate with the world and others without saying a single word.
Intuition- One of the Keys to your Telepathic Powers
Do you trust your intuition? I mean really trust it as in listen to it and follow what you feel from it? Be honest with yourself.
If you don’t follow and trust your intuition, you are not alone. The vast majority of us don’t do so. We are aware that we have a “feeling” about a situation, decision, person, place, etc but can’t quite put our finger on what the feeling is saying to us. So, what do we do? We ignore the “feeling.” That “feeling” is our intuition trying to communicate to us what we need to be doing.
It’s really a shame that so many of us are so skeptical and don’t trust it. It’s our best defense and guide after all. Yet, it is a very difficult task to un program ourselves from scripts we have been born into. We’ve been taught to look outward for answers and guidance when all the while, the answers have always lied inside ourselves.
Intuition is the communication of these answers from sub conscious mind.
Intuition is also one of the major elements to tapping into you telepathic powers. What do I mean by this?
What I mean is that once you begin to trust in yourself and to be guided by your own intuition, you will at the same time open yourself up to your telepathic powers. This is of course easier to read (or write) than to do.
Simple Exercises for telepathy.
Telepathy is much about concentration, when we concentrate we connect with the energy of it, and thus thru this connection we are able to send and receive information in the form of videos, Stills, colors, emotions and state.
Exercise no 1 (developing brain waves and getting aware of it)
Think about an image, close your eyes and picture it exactly how you want to send, then blank your mind.
Think about the person you want to send it to and take out the image of that person from your mind, in the form it is.
Blank your mind, think about both and “send message” like “Read” “See” “Hear” whispering to there subconscious mind.
Exercise no 2 (Step 2)
The first step to telepathy is be present. Being present is the hardest and most important key to telepathy. You should not think of anything else. Your mind should be completely in the now or the present. This opens up the channels to connect energy frequencies.
The second step to this exercise which enables you to properly learn telepathy is to sit down with the person you want to connect with. Lay several different colored pencils between the two of you.
The third step of this exercise is to decide who will be the sender and who will be the receiver.
Once that is decided than you can go on to the fourth step. This step involves the person who is the sender to select a color from among the colored pencils in their mind. Then the sender should try to send the color they selected to the other person. It is important for the person who is the sender to say the word start out loud once they’ve concentrated on sending the color to the other person.
The fifth step of the exercise is to have the person who is the receiver to look into the mind of the other person. They should be able to pick up on the correct color.
During the sixth step of the exercise the sender should tell whether or not the receiver has saw the correct color. If the person was incorrect than the sender should try again and say the word start again.
The seventh step of the exercise is the sender sending the original color again or starting the exercise again with a new color in mind.
The eight step of the exercise is to switch sides and repeat the exercise over again non-stop for the next ten minutes.
After ten minutes you should take a break or end practice for the day. It is important not to drain energy when learning telepathy.
source http://unmistaken1.wordpress.com/2011/09/28/how-can-we-use-telepathy/
----------------------------- SECOND PART ----------------------------------
"Telepathy is the ability to psychically communicate information from one mind to another by means other than the known perceptual senses. This can range from the traditional reading of minds to the implanting of thoughts into the minds of others and eventually extending one's radius of mind-reading. This could also let the user induce addiction, or project thought-wave "static" into the minds of those who try to invade your mind. They could even possibly exercise Psychic Persuasion or a Danger Sense after further practice. Similar to Empaths, due to the fact that Empathy is closely related and mimic abilities ranging from the basis of original ability, i.e. danger sense, illusions, control of the mind (through emotions), etc.
Before you are able to do this, you must first know how the mind works. When you hear a word, your brain translates it into two things. Say you hear the word "apple"; you either think and see the word apple, or for some people see the apple. So when reading a person you will need to learn to both think the words and picture it to make it easier, or your will struggle reading minds. Though there are some who naturally have this talent right off the bat. E.G: You meet someone and you're having a honest polite conversation, then they start finishing your sentence, or thinking the exact same thing except out loud, first level mind reader tricks, duh. Everyone has this ability, all you need to do is practice it to make it stronger and more powerful.
Training on telepathy
The first thing when starting is to be calm and relaxed but not too relaxed. Meditation is not necessary with many of the telepathy skills I teach.
When first doing telepathy you want to focus all you can on what you’re doing; so it’s best to sit or lie down and then close your eyes. After a while this will not be necessary. Visualize a tunnel or a vortex. It can be any color and just about any shape. You then should visualize a wave going from you and through the vortex. Think of the person you are telepathically connecting with. Keep all the things from point two in mind and don’t forget them and keep visualizing and thinking about them. Then when you feel ready let go and you should be in their mind.
Remember this skill takes a lot more practice and work than others. I use this tech (technique) a lot and for many of my other techs in this like mini group of them.
First you must have mastered the connection art above.
So, once you've successively completed the above visualization exercise made,
Focus and concentrate more now on your target mind and don’t forget to keep thinking of the person as you will need this.
Focus on relaxing and clearing all thoughts from your mind too and no suggestions.
Listen to the persons mind and keep your thoughts clear out, you don’t want to get confused.
If you still can’t hear anything relax leave it for a bit and try again.
You can also read thoughts by searching. You think of what you need to find and keep that in mind. What you want should appear slowly.
Make sure you have no suggesting thoughts.
Believe wholeheartedly that you are telepathic and that you can develop your skills. Doubt has no place in any situation where you are trying to succeed at a task. This is especially true with telepathy, since skeptics are hardly ever able to uncover their talents in this area.
Ask a friend or relative who is not a skeptic to help you by focusing on a picture or object. You'll then try to focus on her thoughts and try to pick up whatever it is she is seeing. It's best if whatever she is looking at is able to evoke a powerful emotion, whether it be strong admiration, excitement, anger or any other strong feeling. This creates stronger waves of energy so you'll be able to pick up on it easier.
Relax your mind and try not to think too hard about picking up on what the other person is thinking or feeling. Concentration is actually counterproductive, since your mind must be open to receive whatever signals are being emitted.
Remove all distractions from your area of meditation. This includes clocks, watches, telephones, televisions and radios. All of these items can potentially break your concentration and seriously impede your ability to develop and use telepathy.
Record whatever image or concept of communication you may receive. It may help to have a journal nearby where you can sketch images or write down words that have popped into your head.
Analyze any emotion or abstract image you may receive. They may not make perfect sense to you at first, but as you become more familiar with your own abilities, you'll be able to interpret and understand your visions much quicker and easier.
Mind Reading and Force
Many people over the course of the centuries have pondered over how to gain power and abilities over other men or how to defeat armies with out raising a finger through realization man begin to realize we are gods with out proper knowledge on how to use our power, this power lies dormant waiting for you to unleash it through proper training and dedication. you will begin to notice a change in your very being that will slowly grow as you begin to dedicate daily training and learn the way energy speaks to you. Through daily practice you will build the will power and advance beyond your wildest dreams.
The way I learned mind reading/ Force thought is to use proper breathing,imagination,and lots of will power.
Follow the rhythm of your heart when breathing learn to tune in to your breathing cycle follow each beat as if they were loud as bells understand your pulse fill how your breath keeps you alive you must accept that your breath is a gift from god in order to understand your part in the universe you must accept that there is no separation between you and it. Then move on
Begin breathing in 1,2,3,4 hold your breath then release 1,2,3,4 repeat this cycle until you feel very relax the goal is to learn to control your breathing and understand the mind after breathing cycles continue on.
This part takes time to build start by using your imagination place yourself at the park, beach,mall what ever just be creative then picture everything as if you were right there use all 5 senses learn to make this as real as possible take control of your inner world EXAMPLE if you splash your face with cold water in your inner world you should fill the chill on your face in your outer world, do not move on until you master this part.
After much practice let the fun begin, start with friends or family think of a idea or phrase you want them to say enter into your inner world they wont notice what you are doing visualize what you want them to say or do build the event as if it was happening force your will on them if you did the above exercise correctly you will notice they will do as you please or say.
Believe me this works with practice you can make people like you do as say and so many other things once you learn force thought,reading thoughts is rather easy I don't want to go into details just use your imagination and have fun.
Telepathy can be utilized in a number of ways, including, but certainly not limited to, the following:
Telepathic Defense: Telepathy can manifest in a number of defensive ways.
Cloaking: The ability to essentially cloak or shield a telepath or any one or place for that mater using telepathic illusions, psychic shield, etc.
Psionic Shield: The ability to create a psychic shield for protection of oneself and other minds.
Psychic Mimicking: This allows someone to mimic another's energy and other abilities, enabling them to deceive others. This ability is very hard and most people are born with a shield or ward like this.
Telepathic Illusions: The ability to create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring. This can be done as a type of mind control and attack. Difficult for newbies and rather easier for naturals.
Other telepathic abilities
Absorb Information: The ability to quickly process and store information, by mental transference.
Dark Psyche: The ability to release the dark side of a person's personality, and make them more dangerous and easier or harder to control depending on their mind.
Dilate Power: This is also known as blocks for abilities and used in spars or as attacks to stop someone using a ability.
Download Information: The ability to take or give information and memories to the mind of others.
Healing Trauma: The ability to erase a person’s memories to heal mental trauma through “psychic surgery,” the power to stimulate or deaden the pain and pleasure centers in a person's brain. This ability is very dangerous and should not be used ales all of telepathy is mastered and the understanding of the mind. It can cause problems.
Induce Pain: The ability to induce mental pain and suffering and generally not recommended if someone is non-experienced.
Intuitive Multilingual: The ability to intuitively translating new languages and dialects.
Mass Manipulation: The ability to subtly use deep influence upon multiple people, allowing a telepathic to manipulate their perceptions, better judgment, wills and common sense. This is a type of mind control and influence and can be very difficult.
Mental Amnesia: The ability to erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia. This is a very dangerous ability.
Mental Detection: The ability to sense the presence of another psychic within a small but as yet undefined radius of oneself by perceiving the distinctive mental radiations emitted by such a being.
Mental Paralysis: The ability to induce temporary mental or physical paralysis. Very hard and only very few are able to do it.
Mental Sedating: The ability to telepathically "sedate" one's victims so that, if already rendered unconscious, they remain so for as long as a telepath continues to "sedate" them.
Mind Alteration: The ability to alter the minds of others by sheer force of will, changing their personality either partially or entirely. It can be reversed.
Mind Control: The ability to control the thoughts and actions of others.
Mind Link: The ability to develop a mental link with any person, which remains as a connection to that individual long after the link itself is broken. This is the basic ability for all telepathy.
Psionic Blasts: The ability to project psionic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the victim pain or unconsciousness and can even kill an adversary. Not at all a rare ability and can also be found in empaths a like. Utilizes the same psionic energy that is used to shield to infiltrate a mind solely on will and brute force.
Psionic Siphoning: The ability to siphon psychic energy from other psionic mutants. The stolen psychic energy can be used to either boost one's own powers or channel the energy into someone else to temporarily increase their psionic abilities. Also found in empaths but instead of using the mind take the energy at will they use their emotions as a power sources/ energy.
Telepathic Tracking: Enhanced psionic senses enable a telepath to detect and track other sentient beings by their unique psionic emanations (thought patterns contained in the psionic portion of the spectrum), especially if they pose a threat to one's well-being in their immediate vicinity. Mainly found in Telepaths alone as it requires recognition of psionics mentally though some empaths have adopted the ability to be used on emotion basis.
Terence McKenna
“La presencia de substancias psiquedélicas en la dieta de humanos primitivos creó un cierto número de cambios en nuestra situación evolucionaria. Cuando una persona toma pequeñas cantidades de psilocibina, mejora su agudeza visual. Pueden, de hecho, ver ligeramente mejor, y esto pudo significar que, los animales que incluyeron la psilocibina en su cadena alimenticia, pudieron haber aumentado su éxito en la caza, lo que significa un suministro mayor de comida, lo que significa un aumento del éxito reproductivo, lo cual constituye el objetivo del juego de la evolución: el organismo tiende a propagarse numéricamente lo máximo posible. La presencia de la psilocibina en la dieta de los primeros primates cazadores, supuso que estos aumentaran su agudeza visual. En dosis ligeramente superiores de psilocibina, hay una excitación sexual, y en general del sistema nervioso, lo cual puede interpretarse como otro factor positivo para el éxito reproductivo.
La excitación sexual significa prestar atención, significa un arrebato, que indica cierto nivel de energía en el organismo. Y entonces, por supuesto, en dosis más elevadas la psilocibina desencadena esta actividad en las capacidades lingüísticas del cerebro y se manifiesta como visiones y sonido. Se piensa que pueda tratarse de una enzima que excite la agudeza visual, el interés sexual y la imaginación. Y estas tres cosas juntas, producen primates con aptitudes lingüísticas. La psilocibina pudiera haber sinergizado la emergencia de formas más elevadas de organización psíquica en animales protohumanos primitivos. Puede ser visto como cierta clase de enzima evolucionaria, un catalizador evolucionario.“
Terence McKenna
La excitación sexual significa prestar atención, significa un arrebato, que indica cierto nivel de energía en el organismo. Y entonces, por supuesto, en dosis más elevadas la psilocibina desencadena esta actividad en las capacidades lingüísticas del cerebro y se manifiesta como visiones y sonido. Se piensa que pueda tratarse de una enzima que excite la agudeza visual, el interés sexual y la imaginación. Y estas tres cosas juntas, producen primates con aptitudes lingüísticas. La psilocibina pudiera haber sinergizado la emergencia de formas más elevadas de organización psíquica en animales protohumanos primitivos. Puede ser visto como cierta clase de enzima evolucionaria, un catalizador evolucionario.“
Terence McKenna
domingo, 14 de julio de 2013
lunes, 8 de julio de 2013
Silk Road: la tienda más popular del barrio dark de la web
Internet también ha democratizado el consumo de estupefacientes: bienvenido al mercado anónimo, internacional y clandestino de la Ruta de la Seda.
Marta Peirano - Berlín
28/06/2013 - 10:57h
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Hay otras redes, pero están en esta: bajo la superficie de la World Wide Web hay una Deep Web a la que también llaman la Web invisible porque no le llegan los largos dedos de los buscadores comerciales (aunque hay otras maneras de bucear). Dicen que es tres veces más grande que la capa visible y que esconde una masa de cuentas bancarias, registros académicos y administrativos, archivos históricos y en general datos en crudo que no se quiere o puede indexar. En ese continente sumergido está Tor (The Onion Router), un laberinto de conexiones recontracifradas donde la identidad de cada nodo se disuelve en un complejo pasillo de espejos y túneles.
En estos días de la vigilancia estatal y corporativa, la oscuridad ofrece un lugar de encuentro para disidentes, activistas, leakers y un número creciente de ciudadanos interesados en proteger su intimidad, pero hay muchas especies nocturnas.
Dentro de Tor también se esconde la famosa Dark Web, donde uno puede contratar sicarios (y hasta primigenios), encargar documentación falsa, hacerse o deshacerse de coches robados, armas de fuego, pornografía ilegal, animales protegidos y, muchas otras cosas. La tienda más popular del barrio se ha especializado en drogas y se llama Silk Road.
¿ Modalert , Ketamin a , María , MDMA? Añadir al carrito
Para encontrar la puerta, primero hay que hacerse invisible. Para conseguirlo hay que instalar Tor y cambiar los euros, dólares o yenes por Bitcoins, la única criptodivisa irrastreable e inconfiscable del mundo. Estas dos tecnologías han protegido la plataforma de sufrir las consecuencias legales que ahora sufren los competidores que usaban Paypal.
Tor empezó como una colaboración entre el US Naval Research Lab y el MIT para proteger sus comunicaciones militares online y la única baja hasta el momento en Silk Road ha sido un australiano que envió 46.9 gramos de MDMA puro y 14.5 gramos de cocaína a su propio domicilio. Desde Alemania. Una vez dentro, hay que hacerse un usuario y contraseña y también un pin que sirve de la clave para todas las transacciones. Todas las direcciones en Tor son una serie alfanumérica de 16 caracteres que acaba en “.onion”. La de Silk Road eshttp://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion.
Pese al aire apocalíptico que cultivan fans y detractores, la mercancía más favorecida es el cannabis, lo que probablemente indica que hay más criptofashionvictims que drogodependientes (¿hace falta bajar al submundo digital para comprar cannabis?). Le siguen las drogas de prescripción médica ( Oxicodona, Benzocaína) y las llamadas drogas de diseño, como el Éxstasis y el MDMA. El producto no es mucho más barato que lo que ofrece el mercado tradicional pero tiene otras ventajas. Además de eliminar los índices de peligrosidad, la casa ofrece todas las virtudes de las tiendas de compraventa de segunda mano online, empezando por su sistema de revisión. Es todo muy 2.0.
El cliente todavía tiene razón
Silk Road es como un eBay anticuado, si eBay fuera una gran farmacia clandestina: puedes comprar drogas duras y blandas, opiáceos prototípicos, sintéticos y semi-sintéticos, material de base para recetas caseras y productos farmacéuticos que requieren prescripción médica, pero lo primero es la atención al cliente. Los vendedores acumulan puntos por cada usuario satisfecho y la portada tiene una lista actualizada de los más valorados. Los estafadores son rápidamente denunciados y aislados por la comunidad. Los usuarios dejan reseñas sobre la calidad del producto recibido, el trato y la velocidad y excelencia de la transacción y hasta se pueden hacer fans de sus proveedores favoritos. Según el único estudio disponible, el 97.8% (!) de los compradores están completamente satisfechos.
Algunos foros son como un kiosco Energy Control virtual, donde las etiquetas "avanzadas" del portal son deconstruídas por los especialistas. Los debates sobre química o legislación son de alto nivel, un poco como encontrar a los pelleros de clase discutiendo funciones holomorfas en el callejón. Según el profesor Nicolas Christin de la Universidad Carnegie Mellon, responsable del estudio, la mayor parte del material dura menos de tres semanas y los vendedores suelen desaparecer antes de los tres meses, con la excepción de un núcleo duro de un centenar de cuentas que manejan grandes volúmenes de material especializado y que acumulan la mayor parte del karma. A mediados de 2012, el mercado generaba una media de 1.2 mil l on es de dólares mensuales, de los que la casa barre un mínimo de 6,23% por transacción, unos 92.000 al mes. Un año y medio más tarde, esa cifra podría haberse multiplicado varias veces.
El sistema incluye también una "lavadora" para proteger la identidad de los pagadores y un mecanismo de protección contra las fluctuaciones de su divisa: el vendedor especifica su precio en dólares y la transacción ajusta la conversión en tiempo real a los datos de Mt. Gox, la bolsa oficial de Bitcoin. Los cambios de valor que sufra la moneda durante una transacción -negativos o positivos- son absorbidos por la casa. Como el anonimato funciona en todas direcciones, los que compran no saben quién les vende, los que venden no saben quién les compra y ninguno sabe quié n tiene la llave del reino . El gran zar del mercado negro de la droga online es un administrador de sistemas que se hace llamar El Temible Pirata Roberts.
El zar del crimen organizado
M ás Pocholo Martinez-Bordiú que Tony Montana , Roberts da la bienvenida a los recién llegados para explicar las reglas de la casa y asegura ser un tipo sencillo con un gran sentido moral. Un EULA prohibe la venta de “todo aquello que esté diseñado para causar daño o defraudar”, incluyendo “pornografía infantil, tarjetas de crédito robadas, asesinatos y armas de destrucción masiva” pero en febrero de 2012, el mismo individuo lanzó The Armory, una tienda hermana de compraventa de armas que murió una muerte natural por falta de interés general. Sus manifestosllenan los foros de la casa con eslóganes libertarios y declaraciones de amor universal .
Roberts también regenta un club de lectura llamado The Dread Pirate Roberts Book Club ,dedicado al “ a gorismo , contraeconomía, anarco-capitalismo, la escuela de viena, filosofía política, libertad y otros temas relacionados”. Quizá es por eso que la segunda cosa que más circula en Silk Road son libros. S i su nombre es una pista de que no hay un sólo pirata Roberts sino una secuencia de varios, l a escena de no ha cambiado tanto desde los tiempos de Netochka Nezvanova, la primera estrella oscura de la Red.
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