sábado, 6 de julio de 2013

Changing Levels of Consciousness

Always remember that the individual with higher
consciousness is the one who is most flexible,
who avoids fixed patterns, who flows in every life situation
so as not to get involved in addictive irritations.
The individual with higher consciousness
creates a peaceful world in which to live.
This can be done regardless of whether or not
you are with people who are consciously working on their growth.

It takes two people to have an ego battle.
But it only takes one person to create
the peace and love of higher consciousness!
The other person does not have to know the Living Love Way
and does not have to be trying to reprogram his alienating addictions.
He can be inflexible, power-oriented, ego-dominated and hostile.

If you can operate from the Love Level of Consciousness
or any higher level, your love and your conscious perceptiveness
will enable you to flow in every situation.

Ken Keyes, Jr.
Excerpted from
Changing Levels of Consciousness

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